Happy endings

From abandonment to... happiness!

Happy endings are stories about lucky strays that found their forever families. Discover their wonderful journey from abandonment to happiness!

Happy endings


In his gaze we saw all the sweetness of old age.

We saw how sensitive, how vulnerable and how incredibly sweet older animals are.

The mask on his face makes him look even sadder, and he reminded us of a commedia dell'arte protagonist, so we named him Pierrot.

Pierrot is a dog that simply exists in space, does not bother anyone, does not require anything. He simply accepts what you have to offer, and his presence is so discreet that it is almost non-existent.

He has very few needs. He wants a corner where he feels safe, good food and a little human companionship, which he never demands, but accepts when offered.

For all the above, we loved him as soon as we saw him in the 8th TNR campaign, and we couldn't let him go back to the streets. Maybe there's a home for him out there, maybe not. What is certain is that he will spend his last years with respect, dignity and as much love as we can give him.



She looks you in the eye and runs to you and it's like she's saying "please let me love you, I love you, I love you, let me show you how much I love you".

She was brought in to be spayed when we were in our 8th TNR campaign in western Greece, and she would dance in the crate every time she saw us, and she was happy and she danced more.

We would take her off and she would go crazy in joy and run to us for cuddles.

Such a dog we could not let be returned to the street. She is a young, sweet creature, as if spring is finally here and has taken up her from.




Emm.. We don't know how to describe it. At first the dog should be about three four kilograms, and in the photos it looks like ten kilograms and. Maybe because of the face.

He has those mustaches and griffon eyebrows, which are common in older dogs perhaps.

He also has two funny ears, small but real. When he's not sure about something, he makes them back and forth, so far back that they disappear, and so he looks like an owl.

Another characteristic of his that further enhances the owl image is of course the eyes. Let's not describe them, you can see them...

Murphy was found on the street. Abandoned. Seriously.

He is sweet and tender. Sometimes he is a little scared, but when you let him know that there is no reason, then he opens up and rejoices. He's funny.

What's not funny is that he's probably grown up like a lot of small dogs, in a house, without walks, without having learned the toilet, without having learned much. 

He'll probably need training on some basic things like going to the toilet, and sterilization will definitely help him a lot.

Is he vaccinated, neutered and healthy, and looking for his forever home. A house where, despite its size, it will be treated like a dog, not an ornament.



Even when she was on the street, sick and ematiated, it was impossible to hide beauty. Under the wounds, hunger and misery, there was a beautiful dog even then.

Rosa was found on the street in a bad condition. She was so exhausted that at first she slept constantly.

She completed her treatment and slowly began to recover, and become more and more beautiful.

Today she runs around the shelter with her lovely ears going back and forth, her coat shiny and her eyes huge, and she's a dream dog.

She is very sociable, very loving and very human centered. She has been fostered in a home, and she has been amazing. She can live with cats, but needs caution with other dogs.

She is quite dominant, and although in her foster home she lived with another dog, and in the shelter she coexists perfectly with the other animals, when given the opportunity she will prefer to assert herself, rather than back down. 




Roomie is one of those dogs who, although they have had a very bad time in their lives and have experienced neglect and lack of basic care, have managed not to let any of this affect their psyche.

In other words, they remained balanced dogs throughout their bad lives.

Roomie was found on the street with skin problems, hair missing in various places, wounds, ticks, fleas, and a very nasty infection in his eye. He suffered from leishmaniasis.

From that first day he came day until today, he has not caused any problems at all. It's as if he was always in the shelter, he adapted immediately, he made friends, he was sociable from the beginning and he remains sociable, without being the dog that will step on your attention and jump on you demanding attention.

Roomie will run with the other dogs if it's lunch or play time, but he never runs first. He will come if you call him, but he will come discreetly and sweetly, like a good boy. He will sit next to you, without demanding anything.

If we could describe him in one word, we would say that he is a gentleman. Gentleman in everything, kind, sweet and tender, and a dog of mild tones, who enjoys everything you have to offer him, without trying to take more than what you are willing to give.