He is the most tender and sweet boy, who comes for a cuddle clamply and discreetly, and as long as you pet hi he does not move, as if he is afraid of losing the love he feels and never finding it again.
We named him August because he came to us in August, and because somehow we think the name suits him a lot. He lived as a stray, sick and hungry, seeking for a little security and a little affection on the streets.
She was only 8 months old when she came to us. He t is a dog with a very tender soul and a wonderful look in his eyes, full of love.
Augustis has completed his treatment for leishmaniasis, his hair grew, he gained weight, became gorgeosu, and is ready for his forever home.
He is an incredibly loving, sweet and slightly shy dog. He is wonderful with people and very sweet with other dogs, who once he knows them leaves them space and time, and to catch him he discreetly licks them, as if to say "I am your friend".