Colette looks like a "living room" dog. When you look at her calm, with her lovely blonde mustaches shining in the sun, she looks like a rich daughter from a big clan and a lot of money. 

And when you see her running and playing like a happy child, completely carefree, she looks like a tomboy who isn't afraid to get dirty, crumple and roll down. 

And this contrast makes her very unique, because it is as if she has the good of both worlds - she will enjoy both the grooming, and the home and the tranquility, she will also enjoy the outside world, play and carefreeness. 

It is a very cheerful, very sociable, and very beautiful dog. It is the joy of life, and we believe that it will become a very good and easy pet if it finds a family that will relieve it as much as it needs and that will offer it the love it needs. 

* Colette is located in the public pound of Tripoli. For her adoption, the same procedure will be followed as for all