If you see her in her cage, you might hesitate to go inside to spend time with her, because she gives you the impression that she will make a mess of you. That he will fall on you with momentum and will not leave you alone. That is not the case.
When he sees people approaching, he stands on two feet on the edge of the bars, and rocks back and forth begging for attention. Please go to it and don't pass it by.
However, walking in with her, Frida is very happy that you are there, but at the same time she has a kindness and grace in her manner.
Yes, she is glued next to you, trying to suck as much tenderness as she can in the short time you are together, but her movements are gentle, she does not fall on you to choke you, she just wants to be close and touch you, and if you hold her by the leash, she discreetly licks your hands.
Frida is a very good-natured and very good-natured dog. She is sweet, loving, cooperative, trusting and willing to learn anything in order to coexist with humans harmoniously.