YOU WILL FALL IN LOVE AS WE FELL IN LOVE and sorry for the capitals, but I really will know. 

First of all, it is a small and medium-sized dog, which does not match its colors and fur, which are common in large dogs. One the prisoner. 

Secondly, it has a forelock right above the nose. Ten hairs that decided to grow for no reason, unlike the rest. ANARCHY on the forelock! (From this it also got its name, it reminded us of the stereotype of the native from westerns with the hair of mohicans)

Her fur?? Her fur has this pattern on the hairs, which alone have decided to look combed, as if they were making water because a comb has just passed over them. 

But the most important guys in this dog is THE CHARACTER. Pocahontas is a SUPREME 

Basically she is: happy without being guilty, sociable without being burdensome, communicative without being irritating, and when she doesn't do the one command she knows, sit down? Then she takes on the look of a good student and the look glars and the forelock stands upright and sits on a clarinet candle and you want to go out on a mountain and shout from the top STOP WHAT YOU ARE DOING, THE DOG IS SITTING!!

An amazing creature is Pocahontas, wonderful in all of her. He came to us from the municipal kennel of Tripoli along with the last batch of skeletonized dogs that the Municipality agreed to deliver to us, and it is as if he lived with us forever. 

We adore it and you will love it too. She is healthy and ready for her forever home.