Dogs that are not born blind, but lose their light along the way, always make you wonder what it was like when they saw. 

How to move in space, how much self-confidence they had, what their life was like, their walking, their stature. 

Punk is a very sweet and cooperative dog. He's incredibly quiet in the shelter, he doesn't talk, he doesn't bother, he's just accepted that this is his life, and he enjoys what little we offer. 

Although he does not see, he really likes the walk. It has this wonderful walk that all blind dogs have, whose front paws lift them up before taking a step, to avoid any obstacles, and look like they want to gallop in slow motion. 

He has completed his treatment for leishmaniasis, and is a healthy and strong dog. He suffers from chronic otitis and his ears will need regular monitoring. When he came he was in a very bad condition, his ears hurt a lot and he was stressed. 

He is now better, and his ears don't hurt as much be he probably feels some discomfort.