"The grandmother with the string around her neck", that's what we called her in the beginning. For a while, each of us referred to her by different names each, until we ended up in Vaya (meaning wet nurse in Greek).
She is elderly. So old that her muzzle is whitewashed, and she was in a cage in the public pound of Sparta with at least 11 puppies. We found her in a small house, trying to protect herself. And at this age, she probably didn't know what to protect ehrself from. From the filth? from panic? from the hustle and bustle?
Imagine how much fuss, how much constant noise eleven puppies make in a cage, and imagine how intolerable this is for an elderly dog, who on top of that is also starved for who knows how many days.
Sarah is one of those dogs that have a calmness and a stoicism.
Maybe it's age, maybe it's just her character. She looks gorgeous when we look at her like that from afar, it almost makes you think that now that she is old she is more beautiful than she was in her youth.
She is currenlty available for virtual adoption only.