It's as if nature said, "You can't be so perfect, and beautiful and good and sociable and loving. I'm going to give you a problem so you have a flaw, like everybody has."
And just like that, little by little, something started eating into Savvas' nose.
This wonderful little boy came to us to have a better life than the one he had in the first years of his life.
The problem in his nose seems to be due to an autoimmune disease, for which the correct treatment was not followed from the beginning by his previous owners.
He started treatment with cortisone and antibiotics and seems to respond very well. His nose, although it will never fully recover, has started to pull out some healthy tissue, and it looks much better.
In absolutely nothing does this affect him, because he is an incredibly good dog. He's good at the car, good at the doctor, good at walking, good at all people and other dogs.