When she first came she was a little shy and scared, and while we wanted SO much to start smooshing her whiskers and eyebrows and squeezing her from top to bottom, we had to control ourselvesl. She had to approach us.
And she did want to get closer, and at the same time she was not sure. Through the whiskers and eyebrows and beard you could make out this: "I want but I don't know if I want to, let me think about it".
Tortilla has made huge stpes forward since the very day she came. Now you can wrinkle her face, make funny hairstyles on her hair, you can take her for a walk even though she doesn't know you, and you can enjoy her.
The better she gets to knwo you, the more she will be opened and the more she will be willing to let go end enjoy your company.
She is a good and sweet dog, and a little hesitant at first. And this hesitancy, and her low self-confidence, make her invisible in a shelter where she is perhaps the most spectacular dog around.
Beneath her hair and whiskers, there are many layers of dog personality that you will discover one by one when you take her home and make her yours.
She is vaccinated, spayed and healthy.