
Suzie (reserved)

Suzie (reserved)

Susie has the character you expect from all those chubby, female, cheeky dogs. It has the attitude, it has the quirkiness and the grace, she's got style, she's got grace basically. She is very sociable and human-centered, always happy to see you, and tends to jump on you for caresses, but of course her center of gravity pushes her down, so she falls to the floor lays down and expects a cuddle. 

When you're not paying attention to her, she sits through the cage and looks at you that way and you melt. She loves not only people but also food as you understood.

Her gorgeous butt swinging back and forth with joy will likely remain hairless forever, as Susie went through a huge adventure where she nearly lost her life. She was bitten by other dogs very badly and to us he came with the skin back missing all and with sepsis.

She spent a very long time in the vet clinic, was incredibly patient, recovered, and is now ready for her new life. 

She is not young, but she feels and acts young. Her attitude towards life "if one enjoys good food and people's attention, there's nothing elese one wants"

Monica (reserved)

Monica (reserved)

Monica was born on the road, in one of the coldest villages of mountainous Arcadia, in the heart of winter. 

Their mom, Tilda, did everything she could to keep her babies warm and full in an incredibly inhospitable place. 

One of the babies disappeared, and mom with Monica and her sister Milva came to Athens with us. The babies grew up with their mom, weaned, and are now ready for their forever home. 

Monica is a dog who has taken a lot of her mom's hesitancy, but she has also taken her tenderness and kindness. 

She is a little scared at first, but she approaches timidly and tenderly, and when you make contact with her she enjoys both you and herself.

Stevie (reserved)

Stevie (reserved)

If you like woolly bear dogs, and you stare at them on the street while imagining how perfect it would be if they went out in a mini, WE HAVE ONE!

Stevie looks like a dog, but he's the size of what the coffee table can't reach. He has two gnarled eyes that he doesn't even undress when he runs, and he has a scherzo, and he has a nazi. 

He's funny, too, and when he's happy, which he's almost always, he's even funnier. 

We met him at the municipal kennel of Tripoli, where he made us a lot of nazis and chuckles, and he always played it difficult before coming for petting - and the dogs that play it hard "and well" and do these dances "you won't catch me / look how I come so cut that you just can't reach me" drive us crazy. 

We thought for a long time that she was a girl, because she has the character of a girl (these nazis are much more characteristic in female dogs). And we called him affectionately "butterfly", because that's how he danced around us, like a butterfly that you can't cathc but you so much want to.

When we knew he was a boy we couldn't get over the butterfly as a name and as a feeling, and we took him out Stevie, from Steve McQueen in the movie "Papillon (translated the Butterfly". AND WHICH WE DISCOVERED ALSO SUITS HIM.

Because he says, in the film, Papillon the protagonist, is unjustly imprisoned for life imprisonment for a murder he did not commit in a prison with very harsh conditions, and determined to win his freedom, he allies with another prisoner and they plan their escape. 

So our own Stevie, our very pwn Papillon, who was unjustly imprisoned in the pound of Tripoli, allied with us and planned his escape, which was late, but eventually happened!

He is vaccinated, neutered and healthy, loves to run and catch his ball, and is looking for a home where there is humor and an appetite for play. 

Dionysus (reserved)

Dionysus (reserved)

Dionysus found himself in a suburb of Athens called Dionysus, circulating alone. We opened the car and he jumped in, sat in the back seat and didn't move until we got to the vet. 

While he waited at the vet he was a dog, he was sitting cross-legged, and it was really as if we had brought our own dog for tests, which we had trained. 

And Dionysus as we suspected at first, and as we found out afterwards, has gone through training. It's not that he's just learned some "sit" etc. commands from his owner. He has done basic obedience from a professional, and it shows as soon as you put a leash on him. 

He walks perfectly, he knows a change of course, he knows basic commands like sitting and lying down even when there is panic around him, in a shelter with dogs barking, and wandering both outside his cage and inside it. 

His basic training has become second nature to him, and it's really sad that this dog that someone spent money and time on didn't look for, even though he had thousands of shares when he was first found. 

He is a wonderful, beautiful and intelligent dog, who really can leave the shelter yesterday, because we have nothing to help him with at all, on the contrary, the longer he stays with us, the more harm we do to him. 

We don't know what it will be like in a house, but we like to believe that an animal so intelligent and so worked, that knows basic ways of communicating with people, will be able to adapt easily. 

Plato (reserved)

Plato (reserved)

Plato is the camping puppy. Let us explain. 

Plato sits and lies down, and he does this very well, like a genuine campist who goes around camping years in the summers, and has mastered the art of hanging out outside the tent, under the tree. 

He was born in a Roma camp and lived there for the first month of his life. He came to us with his sister Erato, bringing his green eyes, his puppyish freshness, and his flabby, relaxed body, which as he moves aorund while walking, you can almost hear a pla plaf. 

Is he a sweet and good puppy, sociable and tender, who will play, smell around, walk with his harness, play with his toys and with the other puppies, and when he has had enough of all this, then he will hang out next to you or on you, and no matter what, even if theres a party going on next door, he will realx and he will sleep. 

Erato (reserved)

Erato (reserved)

Well, listen to let us tell you how many things Erato knows about her age. 

She knows how to go for a walk in her harness - puppy walk for now, nothing impressive. A little behind, a little forward, a little stumble, a little stumble, etc. 

He knows how to play with toys. He knows how to chew them, pull them, and when he gets bored he knows how to sleep on them. 

She knows how to sit on her creet munching on a kong, and then fall asleep there - or if she doesn't have a crit under the kitchen table, for example (she prefers krit like all puppies)

She knows how to turn her belly around and enjoy caressing, and she also knows, after she's gone for a walk, played and eaten, to calm down and cut herself either on her creed or on your lap. 

Generation is a puppy sociable and cheerful, too cooperative and functional for its age, and too smart and sweet. 

She was living in a camp and she came to us from there with her brother wagging her tail and ready for everything, and he promised her that we'd do whatever we can so she can get everything she needs and everything she dreams of.