Educational curriculum - "Following a four paws friend: The World of Pets" (Elementary Education)
Save a Greek Stray is implementing the educational program for children aged 6-11, approved* by the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs, titled "Following a Four Paws Friend: The World of Pets."
I. Description: The program is designed for students aged 6-11, lasting 45-60 minutes. The maximum number of children per group is 25-30. Children participate in a series of group games and activities inside the classroom by specialized representatives from the Save a Greek Stray Animal Shelter, who visit the school unit. Throughout the program, children are entertained and simultaneously informed about companion animals and:
· how to communicate with them
· correct and incorrect ways of being in the same space with them
· responsible behavior towards both owned and stray animals
· ways of caring
Additionally, they learn about the purposes and actions of animal welfare organizations and shelters and understand the concepts of well-being, friendship, companionship, and respect for animals.
II. Cost: Participation in the educational program is free. The cost of the educational program, educational material, and the expenses of the people presenting the program are entirely covered by Save a Greek Stray.
III. Application Process: Teachers who wish to implement the program in their class can fill out the School Unit Participation Application, at the end of this text.
*Protocol Approval Number from the Ministry of Education: 155106/2022