From abandonment to... happiness!
Happy endings are stories about lucky strays that found their forever families. Discover their wonderful journey from abandonment to happiness!
Happy endings are stories about lucky strays that found their forever families. Discover their wonderful journey from abandonment to happiness!
Pooh is the puppy that if you wanna mess with his hair, get sucked in and have him sit on your lap for hours as if he's stuck with glue, he has to know and trust you a little bit.
If he does not know you, he has this attitute that looks as if he is playing hard to get, because he does not know you well, and when you caress him he is like those little kids that a distant aunt suddenly meets at a family gathering and catches them and kisses them and squeezes them, and they sit still and quiet until the torture is over.
He is a very sweet puppy, which really looks shy and hesitant, and this combined with his floppy ears and his hair that is soft as cotton, is a combination that can drive you crazy.
Pooh is about four months old, and is looking for a home.
With two ear stalks that go up and down and mingle with the air and sprinkling, and a hair so soft that it's like putting your hands not even on a cotton swab, but in a cloud, Minnie is the ultimate puppy.
She has great joy to be in this world for the last few months, as if she was waiting for it to be born and live and laugh, and she also has a squeak that makes you want to eat her.
Minnie, her fluffy wool fur, and her pigtails, are looking for a home
She follows our program in the open women's prison of Thebes, where she trains, learns to live in a home , to communicate properly with other dogs, cats and people. With the help of the trainer, she is being prepared for her forever home.
Caprice was found abandoned with his brother Lawrence when he was barely one month old. He is now fully vaccinated, he is a social and happy puppy, that is looking for a forever home
He had countless adoption requests, and we spent the last two months in a permanent Scottish shower - Lawrence booked/Lawrence cancelled/booked/cancelled/booked/cancelled etc etc etc.
There are dogs that no one ever asks for, until one day there is a single person who says "I want this", and this man is the ideal one. And there are also dogs for which we do not have time to answer messages and phones, and they eventually get left behind.
Lawrence was born somewhere in the summer of 22, and besides being white and handsome is all the other things that a puppy of this age is. He rejoices, jumps, runs, sits, gets up again, makes one command, does not make another, wants to live, do everything, learn everything, love you and show you as he can and as he thinks.
Yes it's white, with a pink nose and pink lips, and he is like he's come out of advertising, but that's not all. He is also many other things that are not found in appearance, but in character.
Blind dogs have something special. Living with them, you can't imagine what it would be like if they could see. The lack of vision becomes so much part of themselves, it shapes the way they move and communicate, the way they perceive the world, that in the end the dog you love is this. The dog that he does not see, not the dog he would be if he saw.
Chloe is about a year old. Essentially she's still a baby. She lost her sight very young when at some point she suffered from hepatitis - which is very rare, so rare that we have never seen it before. With treatment she managed to regain a minimal percentage of her eyesight. She sees something. Maybe he sees shadows, maybe some shapes, and probably has a sense of perspective.
When she is in a place she knows, she moves normally, so much so that you wonder if she is indeed almost blind, she runs and plays as if nothing happens, and this happens with all blind animals.
When she is in aun unknown place, she needs a little more guidance, and a little patience until she feels this new place, and understands it with the rest of her senses.
Beyond that, she is a sweet and amazing creature, as are all dogs like her. Velvety, tender and airy. And when she feels at home she runs like crazy, to the point where it makes you wonder is she is a fully seeing dog.
She does not suffer from hepatitis, he is just a carrier. It is not contagious, nor is it as frightening as it sounds. She needs some monitoring, and her eyes need treatment with eye drops, but she is essentially healthy. And she is looking for a home.
"The nice one, the brown". That's what we called it at the beginning. Returning from the public pound of Sparta with 44 dogs, all sick, some very urgent, others less, until we had time to put them in order, to take care of the hospitalizations and to get to know them even a little, many had simple nicknames.
There was "the beautiful", the two "pinschers", the "wolf dogs", the "old lady with the cord", the "old ladywith the tumor" etc. Well she was "the nice one". Because she was nice, and she still is. She is a good dog. An easy dog, gentle, cooperative, calm, nice.
In the end we called her Margarita, but sometimes we still call her Margarita the nice one. She is about four years old and is an animal that we really like - apparently you have already understood this from all the above description. She has never caused us any problems. From the first day it was as if she does not exist, she has a discretion and a calmness that almost make you forget that you have a dog next to you.
Countless conversations we have had and are having about all the dogs, what character one has, what the other needs, which one is getting along with which, which one does not get along with anyone. For her all the discussions we have had, if we wrote them on paper, would not fill a single paragraph. She never caused a problem, she never had issues, it's as if she came with her perfection to live with us.
And just like that, she will one day take her perfection, and she will go to live with her family.