Happy endings

From abandonment to... happiness!

Happy endings are stories about lucky strays that found their forever families. Discover their wonderful journey from abandonment to happiness!

Happy endings


Waffle is as if she is snowy from top to bottom, and at one small part on her back someone began to clean up the snow, and some gray coliyr underneat appeared.

The white in her fur is not the white of the snow exactly, it is this warm white, sugary, sweet. So sweet that you think it's probably edible (and that's how she got her name). She is an incredibly good dog, she is human centered, cooperative and cheerful.

If you come to meet her in person, she will behave as if she knows you. And so, as if he knows you, she will come to your house, sit in your living room, and share your life.

Sometimes, adoption is this easy. No fuss, no big changes. Some animals just come home and it's as if they have always been there, and Waffle is one of them.



Patrick was handed over by his owner, who could no longer take care of him, and unfortunately, from where he had lived his life in a house, he ended up in the shelter, and in a daily routine that stresses him.

It is an energetic dog, with energy that must be released. It needs daily and proper exercise and relief daily, both physical and mental. It is not the dog that will be happy with a simple walk in the neighborhood. He is very receptive to training, and he is really interested in learning new things and new ways of communicating, and working with people.

He loves to play with the ball, and it is a great way to defuse himself and at the same time bond with his man.

It does not get along at all with male dogs, and it is not the dog that will make dog friends easily, nor does it need it. She could live with a sociable and mild-mannered female dog, but it would be ideal to be the only pet in the house.

He is vaccinated, neutered and healthy.



Raisha found the door open to a hotel in the province that is undergoing renovation, approached hesitantly, was thrown some food at her and ate as if she had never eaten. He entered one of the rooms that was open, lay down on the bed, and did not move from there for five days. He would go out once a day just to go to the toilet outside, go back to the warmth, and sleep.

She came to Athens, where he was fostrered in a home, and was treated for ehrlichia canis. She is now healthy, spayed and ready for her forever home. 

If we could summarize her attitude in one sentence, it would be "relax, the sun will rise tomorrow"

Raisha is quiet, clean and incredibly easy, cool and relaxed. She is the dog that we can say with without any hesitation that she is the perfect pet, and that from the first day she comes home with you, it will be as if it has always lived there. 

She has lived with cats, with which he gets along perfectly. She gets along perfectly with dogs, gets along perfectly with people, is excellent at home, clean and quiet, is excellent in the car, is excellent at the vet, is excellent on the leash, is excellent in the shelter. 

We have nothing else to say. The only thing Raisa is not, is a dog for people who want to do daily hikes and take the dog with them when they go for a run. She is not an energetic dog. Not at all. She is a dog that will hang out all day on the couch, go out for quiet and relaxed walks, come home and hang out on the couch again. 

She is so quiet that in the first few days she may seem to you that she might be ill. Believe us, she is not, she is healthy. She has benn tested for everything and there is nothing wrong with her. She is just that quiet, and that cool. 



He came for TNR one day, and never left. But he is a dog we couldn't let go back on the street.

Bolshoi got his name because he is like a ballet dancer, who one day, after leaving the show, various adventures happened to him, and his white costume was soiled and torn, and he himself was greatly hurt.

But even though he ended up like this, dirty and distressed, the dancer's grace stayed with him, because this is something he has inside him permanently, without trying.

His ENTIRE fur has those mermaid type of curls, the very fine, long ones, like the ones poodles have. The whole dog is like that, and we have never seen anything like it. He is literally like a sheepdog wearing a poodle outfit. 

We had time to take some pictures of him before he got a haircut, because he was matted and full of dreads, and we will wait for his wonderful hair to grow long again. He's an amazing puppy, with two gorgeous watery, pitch-black eyes.






Charlie was a stray dog, living on the streets of Greece. He was run over by a car that left him shattered. 

His front left leg was amputated, and his hind right leg suffered severe injuries. A huge effort was made to preserve his hind leg, so that he can live as a three legged dog. 

He has had surgery and is now in recovery. For the moment he walks in two legs, and occassionaly sets his operated leg on the floor, which is a good indication that he might be able to use it soon.

He has suffered a huge shock, and for now is very shy and fearful. 



Thelma was born virtually in the car, as her mom, a stray dog who was found pregnant, was transported from the street to the shelter. 

She grew up in the first few weeks in the shelter, in a confined, safe space, along with her sister. After the frist month, she spent her days between veterinary practice and foster cafe, as she and her sister both fell ill. 

With various difficulties and ups and downs, she managed to recover.