Imagine a Setter. Of these black and white, with the smooth velvety hair, and the wonderful dots that break the white places places. Now add a little sheepdog - boudal dog.

Congratulations! You just made Archie!

Archie was found in the countryside when he was about eight months old, sick and alone. He recovered, he grew, then he grew more and he also fattened up enough to bring out his character, because such a character does not suit thin dogs, it only suits chubby ones!

Archie is a bit of a boogeyman, a bit of a babe, and very, very innocent. We have taken a hundred pictures of him, and in each one there is even a little bit of this character of the dog child, who is happy even on his own, who whatever he does is both sweet and funny, and who you want to squeeze him while he does not go.

To understand his character better, when he is with other dogs in the yard, we throw the ball, and he never has time. He runs along with the others, and never catches it first.

However, he comes running around happy, as if he caught it. Then he rejoices on his own, and then, if another dog leaves the ball because he's had enough of it, he steals it from the floor, he's glad he caught it, he throws it and catches it, and then he sits down and munches on it like a babe.

This is Archie. A kind creature, tender and funny at the same time, but without ever becoming ridiculous.

It's like watching a child rejoice and try to participate in things he doesn't quite understand, but that he likes.