He did not deal well with the fact that he ended up in a shelter, among others a hundred and dogs three times his size, in the middle of winter, sitting in a cage and wondering what happened, where he is, and why this happened to him. 

Cody was very stressed at first, he was very tense, and he was basically unhappy. 

Over time he got used to it, calmed down, and has been trying to adapt ever since. 

He's a dog we don't know how he's grown. He was definitely at home, his coat is shiny and spotless, and he knows how to walk on the leash, although because he has missed human companionship so much, he stops every half meter, looks you in the eye, jumps and just wants you to caress him. 

Cody is sweet, loving and incredibly cuddly. We don't know what he has learned and what he hasn't learned in the house where he lived. It will be given to people who should be prepared to deal with any behavioural problems that may arise, and who will be willing to work them with training, patience and love.