She is the dog with the cleanest face that exists, as if someone has painted it with the sweetest, pale colors of the palette.

Hope's face was the first we saw clearly the day we visited the public pound of Sparta. Her from the inside looking out and us from the outside looking in. SHe was one of the dogs that were free in the pack in front, and she looked at us right in the eyes firmly and clearly, so much so that her face was combined with all the emotions of that day.

Back then she had something raw and wild on her face. He came with us willingly, without s having to even try, and from day one this dog behaved as if she knew us, as if she had recognized us from before.

She is a clever, social animal, she is the dog that you don't expect to come to lie down on your feet, and yet she does, and as you pet her, she gets lost in the love.