He is like velvet, with a coat that's like it's made to be petted, touched. And that's what he wants. He wants you to pet him, he wants to feel you close to him, next to him. To feel loved.
Forrest is a sociable, kind, tender and sweet dog.
And the way he has this muffled muzzle, it makes you want to hug him and ask what happened and who hurt him, and maybe the other dogs don't play him and if he wants to talk about it.
Dogs like him are unfortunately doomed to live outside in a doghouse, all winter and summer, and when they come to us, the harsships on their bodies are obvious. They are full of wounds, ulcers, and rashes. He was spared all that. He is still very young, and he is still soft and fresh. And that's how we want it to stay.
He is looking for his forever home, and for a home where he can place his huge heart and rest it.