Our sweetness is deaf. Completely. He doesn't hear anything.

This means that she lives in a shelter where there are times when there may be barking, and she doesn't understand anything, which is good on the one hand, and on the other hand she has no way of understanding when there is tension and where, unless something happens right in front of her.

She lacks a very important feeling, so compared to other dogs she has a weakness. And her weakness makes her a little vulnerable. He is a very happy, very sweet dog, and has the most beautiful smile.

When she's happy, her whole face lights up, and she looks at you with her eyes and you want to do her all the favors because she's the best dog in the world.

She is a medium-energy, even-tempered dog, loves walking, and likes human company. When we take her to the office she rejoices so much, and she rejoices in an embarrassment and a shyness that make her even more wonderful than she is.

Alice is a creature too good and too sweet. She's a little insecure, and because she doesn't listen, it helps her a lot to see you, and to know that you're there by her side, to help her deal with her insecurities. She trusts and follows, and if she sometimes hesitates, once you guide her properly she can give you her soul.

One eye has more eyeliner than the other (basically one is like having eyeliner and the other is like having a pencil erased with shadow) so one one looks smaller than the other WITHOUT BEING.  Her painted eyes combined with her birbiloto gaze gave us the inspiration for her name, because she is like Alice in Wonderland where everything she looks at seems miraculous. 

Her face in particular is like an abstract work of art, and her gorgeous airplane ears look even more wonderful when you realize they're completely decorative.