Alexia is sweet, kind, cooperative, and sociable.
She is a tall dog, with a thin, gentle nose, thin high legs, slender body, and something classy in the way she walks and moves.
He walks very nicely on the leash, and communicates with the person he is with. It is a very tender dog, and very good.
She was in a very bad condition, with the erlichia having left her half, and her coat was dull and pinched. Now she has recovered, she has grown stronger, and after she went for groping, her lovely hair shines and is soft and spotless.
He will become a very good, cooperative and wonderful pet. He will love you and communicate with you, as if he knew you forever.
It is a dog that you will enjoy having close to you and with you, that will beautify your life and everyday life.
She is vaccinated, spayed and healthy according to her latest tests.