Mirka is a tiny madhouse, with two black ears that help her fly instead of run, and a lot of wit in her mind and character.

She was found, like all hounds, dumped on the street somewhere in the countryside.

When she sees you she is incredibly happy, but as much as she is happy and as long as her ears go up and down, she respects your personal space, and she is happy next to you not on you.

One way to make her happy is to throw balls at her and she runs and catches them.


She's the best at catching the ball, and walking around with it in her mouth.

Playing with her in such a way, combined with a good walk, will greatly help her to let off steam, satisfy her hunting instinct, and be happy and calm afterwards.

She is a kind-hearted Setter who enjoys playing with you immensely, and tries to communicate without imposing her presence.