Monday got her name because it's like she's woken up on a Monday morning a bit too early, after partying all the weekend with people she didn't even like, and now she has to go for work, which she also doesn't like.
This cat survived thanks to his stubbornness and her spite. She was found in the first rains of September with her four siblings, soaked to the bone. The babies should must have been wet for hours.
All died except her, who was kept alive tooth and nail. She spent a month in the vet clinic, and is now in a foster home. she is the cat that does not want a hug, does not want to be petted except at certain moments, she wants to act independent, but nevertheless is cooperative and brilliant.
She learned to use her litter box, as soon as we first put it near her bed, she eats as if she had hunted down and killed her own food and plays a lot and quite roughly, trying to kill ribbons, laces, toys etc.
She is ideal for people who like these cats, semi-wild ones, who do not tolerate much, who bite instead of purring in your arms, and who feel that they are hosting you and not that you are hosting them.
With her huge eyes and the few grams her body weighs, she demands of you, human who worships her, respect, service, food on time, cleanliness and plenty of toys she can kill.
It won't curl up on your neck and purr in your arms, forget that. She will walk, play, sniff around, look at you as if her eyes are undressing you from top to bottom, and coexist with you on her own terms.
She is being fostered with three dogs and three adult cats, who she is afraid of less and less every day.