Your daily life with Savas will be as follows:

You'll wake up in the morning while he's still sleeping spilled on the floor. You will drink coffee, you will stare in the morning as long as you want or as long as time allows you. Then you will take him for a walk in the morning. On the walk he is perfect, and of course he is house trained (his walk will also be his morning toilet).

During the walk he will probably be petted by people, because he is one of those dogs that catch the eye and you want to just touch them.

Then you'll come home, feed him, go to work, or not if he's a weekend or if you're working from home, etc. Savas sleeps all afternoon and all evening.

In the evening you will go out for a walk again, come back, feed him, give him a treat afterwards, and hang out at home, him probably on the floor and you wherever you are comfortable. During the day you will pet him a lot, because he likes it and you will like it too.

Also once a day you can play with him. In particular, he likes to run like a puppy for two and a half minutes (no more and not every day). You can do this in the parking lot or in the garden (or at home if you've got the space).

Savas went from the street straight to a foster home, so we know almost everything about him.

He lives with three cats and three dogs, and lives with them absolutely harmoniously. It's ideal to walk him on his own, and you will want to take him out alone, because the walk with Savas is an experience in itself. You walk with him and you feel tall, important and like you're the last person on earth.

Savvas is very young, and very innocent. He is a blanc canvas and can remain perfect, as long as people do not spoil him with wrong behaviors. Like all sheepdogs, he does not need "training" and "obedience" as we think of it in a strict way, he needs an explanation. If you explain to Savas what he has to do, he will do it.

He also doesn't need strength, neither on the walk nor anywhere. He needs an explanation again. If you explain to him, he will understand.

He is an incredibly good, easy-going, sociable and loving dog, who prefers to be on the floor most of the time, either because he sleeps, or because you pet his belly, or because so, why should he stand, since he may well be lying down?

Savas is perfect. The only reason we would suggest that he does some training courses is not to improve something, but so that the owner knows what to do so as not to spoil him.

He is vaccinated, neutered and healthy. He was found abandoned in a village in the countryside by one of our volunteers, and in the first five minutes he decided to "adopt" her. He obeyed her, followed her and believed in her from day one, because she is a dog made to believe and cooperate with people, a ready-made pet that does not belong in any way on the street. 

Watch this  VIDEO documenting 24 hours in the life of Savas.