.He is young, handsome, and very, very serious.
Sergio always has the style of thinking about something very profound. He usually looks somewhere obliquely and upwards, he has a very serious style, and along with the dark circles under his eyes and his heavy gaze, he is like a philosopher or a romantic poet, one of these pessimists, you know.
Generally it is a very quiet dog, which even when it is in the cage, sits still and serious and looks at what is happening around it.
When he comes for caresses he comes with seriousness - but not when he comes for delicacy. When it comes to delicacy, seriousness goes for a walk and suddenly he appears next to you, jumping and happy.
He likes to ride, which he takes proudly and erectly, with his short legs doing hop hop and his tail high. He always goes to the toilet on his walk, and is generally spotless, and always waits to come out of his cage to get dirty.
And sometimes, when he has a walk and a toilet and he's happy and happy, he gets fine and wants to run and play and you don't expect it because you think "but you were a serious poet of the last century"