If you were a fan of Alkis and Savvas, who were the two wonderful benevolent giants adopted in 2023 and are the perfect dogs, and generally if you dream of a big, benevolent and cooperative dog, Socrates is the most ideal we have right now. 

This dog has all these characteristics that we love in sheepdogs. He is incredibly anthropocentric and loving. He looks you in the eye, gives you his paw, and with it he gives you his soul. 

But that's not exactly what makes the perfect pet sheepdog. What makes these dogs perfect is their cool and calm character, and the well-known boredom that characterizes them and makes them perfect apartment dogs. 

Made to hang out all day, while their flock is just grazing, they enter a house, take a place on the floor, and just lie down. By hours. 

They are also made to walk slowly and bored next to the herd when it walks, they are usually perfect on the leash, because they have in them the instinct to walk with someone they consider their own, and to be next to him. 

Socrates has all these characteristics. He will enter a house, hang out, lie down, go for a walk at some point calmly and relaxed, definitely do his toilet outside, come home, eat, and hang out again. We guarantee it. 

They have passed through our hands and we have hosted many such dogs, and in Socrates we see what we know very well. If you want an example, check out Savvas in this video. This is how Socrates will be.

And the most characteristic of all, is the detail that makes the difference, that characterizes sheepdogs, and that Socrates of course has AND this trump card. This detail is this way of thinking: "and why should I stand when I can lie down?

Every time he is to sit down, you have this thought go through his mind, and from his mind this thought pours into his body, like a slow command and oops, he lies down in slow motion, and then either points to the belly or gives a leg if he has an appetite. 

It is a wonderful animal, and we sign it to you. We adore him, and we will find him a home because he deserves it. 

* Socrates is located in the public pound of Tripoli. For its adoption, the same procedure will be followed, as for all our animals.