Happy endings

From abandonment to... happiness!

Happy endings are stories about lucky strays that found their forever families. Discover their wonderful journey from abandonment to happiness!

Happy endings

English pointer Probably one of the most tender girls we have. Active and  playful. Anthropocentric like all hounds!

 She spends her day playing with her best friend and chasing balls.



She is the dog with the cleanest face that exists, as if someone has painted it with the sweetest, pale colors of the palette.

Hope's face was the first we saw clearly the day we visited the public pound of Sparta. Her from the inside looking out and us from the outside looking in. SHe was one of the dogs that were free in the pack in front, and she looked at us right in the eyes firmly and clearly, so much so that her face was combined with all the emotions of that day.

Back then she had something raw and wild on her face. He came with us willingly, without s having to even try, and from day one this dog behaved as if she knew us, as if she had recognized us from before.

She is a clever, social animal, she is the dog that you don't expect to come to lie down on your feet, and yet she does, and as you pet her, she gets lost in the love. 




Claude was born somewhere in September 2021 and has been with us since he was a baby.

Originally he was a small ball with hair. Growing up he became a bigger ball with hair and legs. Growing up even more, instead of remaining a ball, he grew longer and slimmer, and the only thing that reminds us of the ball we knew is his ears, which have their own coat, their own will and their own personality.

All their greatness is seen especially when Claude sits in the good boy's posture and concentrates on the basic command he knows (stand still and look handsome). He is a happy, cheerful baby, ready to learn everything, and has lived almost his entire short life here, with the exception of the first few weeks after he was born.

He likes to play with toys, enjoy life, and slowly trains to learn basic commands, follow you with a leash, etc. He is an easy, easy-going dog, which still has all the puppy clumsiness in him, but little by little the adult dog that he will become one day ahs becomne to show.



In movies about the end of the world, there is usually a dog somewhere. It is the dog that makes you feel safe, the dog that is proud and strong, that walks next to the protagonist, that is with him in the difficult and incomprehensible moments of life. One such dog is Fredo.

He is one of these dogs made for a human, their human, ready to learn ready to go along, ready to face together. Albert Kami had written somewhere "Don't walk in front of me because I may not follow you. Don't walk behind me because I may not lead you. Walk beside me and become my partner."

With every gaze, with every move, with every breath, Fredo asks you to show him how to walk by your side, how to become your companion. This dog blooms when he has a human who spends time with him. It is an animal with self-confidence and a kind of empathy that is rare, as if it has in it codes of communication that while in other animals seem difficult, for him it is very easy.

He was born somewhere in mid 2020, and was born to star in the film of his life, along with his human, whom he is looking for.



Panda had come when he was an infant, when he had just opened his eyes, along with his nine siblings. He was at first a pitch-black ball with hair, and as he grew older he became a bigger pitch-black ball with hair, and a white tie began to form on his chest.

He had no tail, he was born without one, and so was one of his sisters.

When the puppies arrived at three months old, he was the ugliest... Ok, no dog is ugly, but compared to the others it was the most indifferent in appearance, even though he was the best.

From a baby he was already running and catching the ball, taking it in his mouth, and he only needed one day of training to learn to bring it back and place it on your feet. He was an incredibly communicative puppy, and continues to be an incredibly communicative dog. A teenage dog. Growing up, not only did his character emerge, but he also became incredibly hadnsome. 

Even though when he was a puppy, he was just an indifferent black dog, as he grew up he became an incredibly impressive dog, like a black wolf with a toddler's soul.

He still plays like a child, loves human company, and dog company, and most importantly, he communicates. He communicates and tries to cooperate, and he is an amazing creature.

He left the shelter only for a week in April, stayed in a house with the prospect of adoption, and unfortunately returned, not for reasons that had to do with his behavior, but with others that we do not want to mention. The family returned him in tears, and told us that he is an excellent dog.

That's what we keep from that failed adoption, and for this excellent dog, we want to do our best. He is not even one year old yet, he's actually still a child, and we want him to leave the shelter, and grow up in his forever home.