Happy endings

From abandonment to... happiness!

Happy endings are stories about lucky strays that found their forever families. Discover their wonderful journey from abandonment to happiness!

Happy endings


Whatever life Persa has lived so far, it was a life that at least left her sociable and confident. 

Unlike most hounds, who live hidden somewhere on the outskirts of villages, and do not recognize anyone other than their master, do not know about the city, from cars and from people, Persa knows everything. 

She is a dog that is not afraid of anything, nothing stops her, it is as if she has lived wherever you put her to live. 

She walks on the leash confidently, cars don't scare her, and no man scares her. She is very sociable. 

She was accommodated in an apartment with three cats, and was immaculate, clean and quiet. Persa goes to the toilet on her walk, and if she is properly released, she goes home and sleeps, at all stops and in all ways. 

It is a dog that will easily adapt to a new environment. She will be functional from day one, and once she learns a schedule and a daily routine that meets her needs, she will live with her family in harmony. 

It is a very intelligent dog, very communicative, and very loving as well. He gets along perfectly with both cats and dogs and all people. Her intelligence and adaptability are among the strongest points of her wonderful character.



Someone went to market this dog as a savage, and cut off his ears, and a more ridiculous thing than that in all the years we've been dealing with animals we might never really have seen before. 

So we laugh instead of crying, because if we start crying for this dog we will never stop. We don't know what he's been through, and we don't want to know. 

Carmen is an amazing dog. AMAZING, and we don't have much more to say.

First of all, she is an incredibly kind creature. She has a gentleness as if born with manners, gentle and stoic. Both with humans and with the other dogs. 

She is too sociable, too affectionate, and too anthropocentric. It's the dog you walk and it clings to you, and looks you in the eye. 

You caress her and she stays there still, and it's like having a human, not an animal, next to you.



Mary probably lived all her life tied to a thick heavy, rusty chain, covered with a piece of green rubber in the spot around her neck.

He was freed from this torment and came to us to have the opportunity to live a life as any dog deserves, not as a sadist forces a dog to live. 

She is a beautiful and sweet dog, still trying to understand what it means to have her basic needs met – needs she didn't even know she had. Good food, safety and warmth, and a basic daily routine that includes doing things with people, working with them and trusting them. 

She will need time to balance mentally, for now she is functional, and she is happier than she has ever been. She gets along very well with other dogs, and they help her start engaging with people for now. 

With proper guidance, patience, and basic training without haste and without demands that she cannot cope with, she will become even more balanced and even happier. 

She is treated for erlichia, anaplasma and heartworm- legacies of her previous life.



We try and try to photograph the poor woman, lest we manage to highlight even the slightest in one photograph the beauty of her soul, and we never succeed. 

Her most beautiful photograph does not show in the slightest the kindness of her heart and sweetness of her character.

Daphne is one of those dogs that have a common appearance, that have no photogenicity, and that unfortunately do not catch the eye. We know what you're going to say, "but she's beautiful." It may be, but unfortunately to most people dogs don't look gorgeous. 

She is a very sweet girl, very easy-going, very loving and very cooperative. She follows on the walk just fine, sits with you enjoying your company, is not reactive when she sees other dogs, and is generally a mature but cheerful dog. 

In some photos, you can see in her look, how good she is, and how much she trusts people. 

It is an animal that has never caused us any problems, from the first day it came to the shelter. 

She really deserves a home. We believe that she is one of those dogs that will enter a house and life with her will go smoothly and sweetly. 



Our sweetie, although she is a little scared and has not been properly socialized since she was little, is a dog who tries to trust and follow you, and understand what you want and what she should do. 

She throws herself into the trunk like most hounds, and coming out of it she is at her highest. All her confidence is in what she always knew how to do, getting into a box in the car and going hunting. 

So, going out on a street, since not a mountain but a city is waiting for her, she does not go crazy. However, although she is afraid, she walks on a leash, and generally tries to cooperate, as much as her fears allow.

It's one of the tiniest little ones we've ever had. He thinks he'll fit in your pocket almost. 



Milva was born on the road, in one of the coldest villages of mountainous Arcadia, in the heart of winter. 

Their mom, Tilda, did everything she could to keep her babies warm and full in an incredibly inhospitable place. 

One of the babies disappeared, and mom with Milva and her sister Monica came to Athens with us. The babies grew up with their mom, weaned, and are now ready for their forever home. 

Milva is a dog who has taken a lot of her mom's hesitancy, but she has also taken her tenderness and kindness. 

She is the bravest of the two sisters, she will take the initiative first, she will catch you first, she will show all the puppy joy and playfulness