Happy endings

From abandonment to... happiness!

Happy endings are stories about lucky strays that found their forever families. Discover their wonderful journey from abandonment to happiness!

Happy endings


He is short, with a little crooked front legs, just enough to give him style, a tail too thick for their size, a pointed head, a head pointed, a lacy one, and two eyes that are as if he suffers from insomnia, and these insomnia have created nerves for him.

Rico is small, cute, with personality and confidence, but the most amazing thing about him is their dancing skills. Some of us call it tick, some call it danceable. Whether it's one or the other, the choreography is so complex that we have it on  video because we can't describe it. He only does it when he is behind bars or behind glass and sees you from afar.

The more you don't pay attention to him, the more intense the dancing is, because that's how he tries to get your attention.

At home, if you want to enjoy the choreography, you can for example leave him inside while he watered the plants on the terrace, and out of the corner of your eye enjoy the dance.

Ariel (reserved)

Ariel (reserved)

There are some dogs whose external beauty reflects their inner beauty, and this is one of them.

Ariel, with her wonderful combination of ears + whiskers, her sweet look and her wonderful pale colors, is a sweet, easy-going and easy-going creature.

She has been on the street, she has lived in the shelter and has lived in a shelter, in the company of three cats, and she was excellent.

She is very clean for her age, gets dirty on her walk, is calm, sweet and respectful of people and animals with whom she lives.



Vivo is a small, young and sweet dog, with a tender muzzle and two wonderful wet and large eyes. 

He's hesitant with people he doesn't know, and he's great with people he knows and trusts. If he knows you and loves you, Vivo lives for you, falls on you for caresses, wags his tail and asks for your caresses. 

If he doesn't know you, he may not approach you initially, but he has so much coverage that it will take very little time to master it. 

He enjoys the company of other dogs, and imitates the most sociable dogs in everything, always maintaining a discretion and shyness that characterizes him. 



When dogs grow up, they become wise. Everything about them thickens and softens, but what makes them irresistible is this wisdom in their eyes and in their souls. 

Miltos is old. How he lived and how his life was until now we do not know. He came to us from DIKEPAZ, because we wanted to give him a chance to find a forever home. 

He is a good, cooperative, and kind dog, and it is very pleasant to be with him. It radiates a calmness and serenity. 

Apart from old age, he is otherwise very healthy. 



We met Matilda at the municipal kennel of Tripoli, and we fell in love with her delicate body and her discretion. 

He came with us to Athens and is in hospitality. She lives in an apartment with three cats, and is impeccable. She goes for a walk, goes to the toilet outside, comes home, and relaxes in her bed. 

It is a loving, quiet and commanding dog. She may be a little hesitant at first about things she doesn't know, but she is a sociable and intelligent animal, adapted from day one to the city, and to its noises and smells.

He cohabits perfectly with cats, which he does not bother at all, but he is not afraid of them either, he gets along very well with all dogs and with all people. 

Once he gains a little more confidence, which is just a matter of time and proper training, he will become a dog even more balanced and easy than he already is.